Service Eligibility
An applicant for Home Delivery Services must:
- Live in the NBPL service area, which includes the New Braunfels city limits, the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), or having a New Braunfels mailing address
- Possess, or be eligible for, a valid NBPL library card
Delivery Environment
Patrons requesting home delivery services must provide a safe and appropriate environment for staff members or volunteers who make deliveries to their homes, and patrons must protect all library materials while in their custody. Volunteers or staff members may choose not to enter a home, to leave a home immediately, and/or to recommend suspension of the service if any of the following conditions exist:
- Pets are not confined (with the exception of service animals trained to assist a disabled person)
- A clear and safe path to the home
- Any person in the home is dressed in revealing attire
- Any person in the home presents threatening behavior
- Any person in the home uses abusive or obscene language, makes obscene gestures, or displays obscene images
- Any person in the home harasses the library’s representative
- Any person in the home exhibits signs of illness that may jeopardize the health of the library’s representative and the library has not been notified of the illness
- Any person is engaging in any illegal activity in the home at the time of the library’s delivery
- Any library material currently in the possession of the homebound patron appears to have been willfully defaced, mutilated, or damaged while in the custody of the homebound person
- Conditions in the home are unsafe or unsanitary
If a volunteer or staff member must leave the home, deny service, or wishes to recommend suspension of service due to the occurrence of any of the above, and deems that the home environment for delivery is unsafe or inappropriate, the volunteer or staff member shall provide the Library Director with notice of why such action occurred along with a recommendation for length of suspension of service.